Haverland Carter
Shay Wallace New HCLG Director of Sales & Marketing 5/11/2022
Resolution of NM Attorney General Investigation of HCLG/LVL (DeAnn Eaton) 6/10/2021
La Vida Llena residents get greater voice - Albuquerque Journal (Colleen Heild) 6/12/2021
NM AG Investigation: Assurance of Discontinuance - HCLG/LVL - NM Attorney General 6/8/2021
Assurance of Discontinuance Amendment HCLG/LVL - NM Attorney General 3/28/2023
Adding members to the LVL Board of Directors (Tim Strongin) 6/16/2021
Some doubt promise of a lifetime of care - Albuquerque Journal (Colleen Heild) 5/22/2021
Haverland Carter Board of Directors
NM Attorney General letter to HCLG 12/06/2019 (Corrected Letter)
Process to add director to HCLG Board of Directors 1/11/2019 (Biographies)
Pacific Management Servicies
Notice of HCLG Affiliation with Pacific Retirment Services (PRS) 8/15/2023
Amendment of Notice of Intent of Affiliate with PRS 6/16/2023
Affiliation with Pacific Retirement Services (PRS) (Terry Shirrod) 4/21/2023
Pacific Retirement Services Affiliation (DeAnn Eaton) 3/10/2023
Notice of Intent to Affiliate with Pacific Retirement Services 3/10/2023
HCLG Considers Affiliation/Partnership (DeAnn Eaton) 1/27/2023
Assurance of Discontinuance Amendment HCLG/LVL - NM Attorney General 3/28/2023