Neighborhood in Rio Rancho
HCLG Corporate Update
HCLG Corporate Update
NiRR HCLG Corporate Update (DeAnn Eaton, DeVon Wiens) 7/22/2019
NiRR HCLG Corporate Update (Lynne, Carlberg, DeAnn Eaton, DeVon, Wiens) 12/9/2019
Debt Agreements
Debt Agreements
Subordinate Construction Escrow Fund Promissory Note 10/6/2014
Subordinate Debt Service Reserve Fund Promissory Note 10/6/2014
NiRR Pledge Agreement with 1st National Bank of the Rio Grande 10/6/2014
NiRR Subordination Agreement with 1st National Bank of the Rio Grande 10/6/2014
NiRR Form 990 Income Tax
NiRR Form 990 Income Tax
EIN: 47-1462853